Friday 4 July 2014

David Copperfield's Magic Show

We were entertained for an hour and a half by the great David Copperfield, magician and illusionist.  

Copperfield had ducks going into one box and coming out of others.  He blew air into a pale blue balloon, then into a black balloon which was inside the pale blue balloon.  Tying them both up, he then stared at the balloons and magically made the black balloon burst inside the blue balloon without exploding the latter.  He magically made an old life-size car appear.  He grabbed an Aussie girl from Perth, twisted a napkin until it became the shape of a rose.  The napkin rose then burst into flames and he now had a real red rose for her.  He magically moved audience members, selected at random, from one spot to many metres away.  And, through very random selection methods, he took a woman on stage who chose a word randomly from many dozens of different words on little signs dangling from the ceiling.  The word she chose was 'trust'.  All audience members wore David Copperfield Magic Show wrist bands, which, when ultraviolet light was shone in the room, highlighted the word 'trust' on our wrist bands.

But there were a couple of really amazing things that happened.  He showed us a box that was padlocked.  Copperfield told the story of his old grandad, who had always wanted to win the lottery so he could buy some old model car, but who died never having achieved this dream.  "Let's help him win the lottery,", said Copperfield.  So, he got people in the audience to toss certain objects randomly across the audience.  This was done three times.  The three people who caught the objects were asked to stand up.  They were each asked to pick two numbers between 1 and 50.  Copperfield wrote the numbers on a screen.  He then unlocked the padlocked box and pulled out two rusty old car number plates.  He dusted them down.  On the car number plates were six numbers - the very numbers selected by the three individuals previously!

Another time, he asked everyone in the audience to send an email to him so an email could be immediately sent back.  What time is it right now?  8.15 pm.  OK, put your phones away.  He then pulled a rolled up poster out of a box.  He unrolled it, attached it to a frame, and hung it above the stage with the audience able to see only the reverse of the poster.  Then, a very random selection method, involving an object being thrown about the room, brought a lady to the stage.  Her name?  Renate.  Husband's name?  Ken.  What dream destination does she have?  Bora Bora.  When would she like to go?  Maybe in five years.

Renate was asked to think of a famous person and write his name down on a piece of butchers paper.  Famous person.....okay, she wrote 'ABE LINCOLN'.  This was shown to the audience.  The poster that had previously been rolled up in the box but now hung above the stage was pulled down and shown to the audience.  It was a picture of that great American President, Abraham Lincoln himself!

But wait, there's more...  We took a closer look at the face of Abraham Lincoln.  A big screen zoomed in closer to Lincoln's face.  There were words on Lincoln's face. The words, repeated many times, said: "My name is Renate.  My husband's name is Ken.  We would like to go to Bora Bora in maybe five years."

But wait, there's more...  Remember that email?  Go into your email was sent to each audience member.  When was it sent?  Back at 8.15 pm before Renate came to the stage.  Open the attachment.  And there in the attachment image of the poster of Abraham Lincoln with the following words on his face: "My name is Renate.  My husband's name is Ken.  We would like to go to Bora Bora in maybe five years."

Jean and I cannot access the Internet outside the Marriott's Grand Chateau, our hotel, so we neither sent nor received an email.  But I asked the lady sitting near us if I could see her email attachment, received from Copperfield.  Sure enough, there was the image of Lincoln on the screen of her phone.  I zoomed in to find those words "My name is Renate.  My husband's name is Ken.  We would like to go to Bora Bora in maybe five years."  The email was received back at 8.15 pm.

The evening finale was the disappearance of 10 people.  A frame dangled above the stage, nothing under it, behind nor above, verified by people selected randomly.  Inside the frame was a floor with 10 empty chairs.  Ten more people were selected randomly to sit on the chairs.  The whole frame was then covered by a sheet.  The sheet was removed, and the 10 chairs were empty again.  Look up the back everybody!  We turn around, and, lo and behold, there are the 10 folks standing up the back, smiling and waving.

Good night, everybody!

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