Tuesday 24 June 2014

A visit to the Redwoods

This morning we toured the Muir Woods National Monument and Sausalito.  Muir Woods and Sausalito are on the other side of the bay, north of the Golden Gate Bridge, which we drove over on our way.  Muir Woods is a nature reserve, featuring the giant redwood trees famous in this part of America.  

The redwoods grow to probably a couple of hundred feet high.  They appear proud and majestic, and shade the forest floor below, protecting the many wildlife that live here, including bats, chipmunks, wrens, and butterflies.  We didn't see any of these, but we did see three deer!

Just after 11, our tour left Muir Woods and drove to Sausalito, a houseboat community, where we had lunch.  We were only here a short time, and we decided we'd return another day.  Many fine restaurants, cafes, elegant shops and art galleries are in Sausalito.  A certain sailboat called Zaca, associated with the Australian actor Errol Flynn, was built here in Sausalito.

Around these parts, they care about the environment.
Redwoods have been on earth since before the meteorite killed the dinosaurs.
The sun manages to shine through to parts of the forest floor.
Redwoods climb quite high.
A redwood's life..
Inside the redwood..
A nature trail allows the visitor to stroll and absorb nature.
Some deer live here..
Large ferns can be seen..
The town of Sausalito, across the bay from San Francisco
The Golden Gate Bridge

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